Dynamic Monitoring and Decision Systems (DyMonDS) framework for IT-enabled engineering of retail-level energy services (RES)

In this project we utilize the concept of Dynamic Monitoring and Decision Systems (DyMoNDS) framework for IT-enabled engineering of end-to-end retail level energy services. The main architecture of interest is a fully integrated retail level energy service system for enhanced efficient, clean and reliable energy services. The key role is to learn end users’ needs, characteristics of the diverse distributed energy resources and to align their interactions through IT-enabled protocols on-line. Moreover, the integrators can also become a “provider of the last resource” to its end users, much the same way as the large utility is today. They plan and invest into new technologies for energy efficiency and quality of service to end users, establish long-term contracts at well-defined value.

Sponsor: ENN Digital Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing, China

Associated Publications

Associated Presentations


Fundamentals of Modeling and Control for the Evolving Electric Power System Architectures (EAGER)


SynthEtic CloUd-based Regulation rEserve Distribution management system (SECURED)