SynthEtic CloUd-based Regulation rEserve Distribution management system (SECURED)

The requirement of fast generation for the case when the aggregate of small end-devices respond versus when they do not, decreases significantly. As a result, the wear-and-tear of the fast units reduce significantly and more importantly, the need for these expensive units can be minimized.

The goal of the project is to utilize the flexibility offered by an aggregate of distributed energy resources including water heaters, electric vehicles, batteries, heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) units. These aggregates close to end-users are referred to as Network Optimized Distributed Energy Resources (NODES). We utilize the notion of DyMonDS to better utilize the end-user flexibility in light of the local uncertainties as well as the uncertainties in price.

Associated Publications

Associated Presentations


Dynamic Monitoring and Decision Systems (DyMonDS) framework for IT-enabled engineering of retail-level energy services (RES)


Secure Monitoring and Control of Solar PV Systems through Dynamic Watermarking